SPEED CONTROL OF INDUCTION MACHINES: We have seen the speed-torque characteristic of the machine. In the stable region of operation in the motoring mode, the curve is rather steep and goes from zero torque at synchronous speed to the stall torque at a value of slip s = ˆs. Normally ˆs may be such that stall torque is about three times that of the rated operating torque of the machine, and hence may be about 0.3 or less. This means that in the entire loading range of the machine, the speed change is quite small. The machine speed is quite stiff with respect to load changes. The entire speed variation is only in the range ns to (1 − s)ns, ns being dependent on supply frequency and number of poles.
The foregoing discussion shows that the induction machine, when operating from mains is essentially a constant speed machine. Many industrial drives, typically for fan or pump applications, have typically constant speed requirements and hence the induction machine is ideally suited for these. However, the induction machine, especially the squirrel cage type, is quite rugged and has a simple construction. Therefore it is good candidate for variable speed applications if it can be achieved.
1.Speed control by changing applied voltage
From the torque equation of the induction machine, we can see that the torque depends on the square of the applied voltage. The variation of speed torque curves with respect to the applied voltage is shown in figure below. These curves show that the slip at maximum torque remains same, while the value of stall torque comes down with decrease in applied voltage. The speed range for stable operation remains the same.
Further, we also note that the starting torque is also lower at lower voltages. Thus, even if a given voltage level is sufficient for achieving the running torque, the machine may not start. This method of trying to control the speed is best suited for loads that require very little starting torque, but their torque requirement may increase with speed.
The figure above also shows a load torque characteristic, one that is typical of a fan type of load. In a fan (blower) type of load, the variation of torque with speed is such that T α ω2. Here one can see that it may be possible to run the motor to lower speeds within the range ns to (1 − s)ns. Further, since the load torque at zero speed is zero, the machine can start even at reduced voltages. This will not be possible with constant torque type of loads. One may note that if the applied voltage is reduced, the voltage across the magnetizing branch also comes down. This in turn means that the magnetizing current and hence flux level are reduced. Reduction in the flux level in the machine impairs torque production, which is primarily the explanation for figure.
If, however, the machine is running under lightly loaded conditions, then operating under rated flux levels is not required. Under such conditions, reduction in magnetizing current improves the power factor of operation. Some amount of energy saving may also be achieved. Voltage control may be achieved by adding series resistors (a lossy, inefficient proposition), or a series inductor / autotransformer (a bulky solution) or a more modern solution using semiconductor devices. A typical solid state circuit used for this purpose is the AC voltage controller or AC chopper. Another use of voltage control is in the so-called ‘soft-start’ of the machine. This is discussed in the section on
starting methods.
2. Rotor resistance control
From the expression for the torque of the induction machine, torque is dependent on the rotor resistance. The maximum value is independent of the rotor resistance. The slip at maximum torque is dependent on the rotor resistance. Therefore, we may expect that if the rotor resistance is changed, the maximum torque point shifts to higher slip values, while retaining a constant torque. Figure below shows a family of torque-speed characteristic obtained by changing the rotor resistance.
Note that while the maximum torque and synchronous speed remain constant, the slip at which maximum torque occurs increases with increase in rotor resistance, and sodoes the starting torque. whether the load is of constant torque type or fan-type, it is evident that the speed control range is more with this method. Further, rotor resistance control could also be used as a means of generating high starting torque.
For all its advantages, the scheme has two serious drawbacks. Firstly, in order tovary the rotor resistance, it is necessary to connect external variable resistors (winding resistance itself cannot be changed). This, therefore necessitates a slip-ring machine, since only in that case rotor terminals are available outside. For cage rotor machines,
The resistors connected to the slip-ring brushes should have good power dissipation capability. Water based rheostats may be used for this. A ‘solid-state’ alternative to a rheostat is a chopper controlled resistance where the duty ratio control of of the chopper presents a variable resistance load to the rotor of the induction machine.
3. Pole changing schemes
Sometimes induction machines have a special stator winding capable of being externally connected to form two different number of pole numbers. Since the synchronous speed of the induction machine is given by ns = fs/p (in rev./s) where p is the number of pole pairs, this would correspond to changing the synchronous speed. With the slip now corresponding to the new synchronous speed, the operating speed is changed. This method of speed control is a stepped variation and generally restricted to two steps.
If the changes in stator winding connections are made so that the air gap flux remains constant, then at any winding connection, the same maximum torque is achievable. Such winding arrangements are therefore referred to as constant-torque connections. If however such connection changes result in air gap flux changes that are inversely proportional to the synchronous speeds, then such connections are called constant-horsepower type.
The following figure serves to illustrate the basic principle. Consider a magnetic pole structure consisting of four pole faces A, B, C, D as shown in figure below. Coils are wound on A & C in the directions shown. The two coils on A & C may be connected in series in two different ways — A2 may be connected to C1 or C2. A1 with the other terminal at C then form the terminals of the overall combination. Thus two connections result as shown in figure (a) & (b) below.
Now, for a given direction of current flow at terminal A1, say into terminal A1, the flux directions within the poles are shown in the figures. In case (a), the flux lines are out of the pole A (seen from the rotor) for and into pole C, thus establishing a two-pole structure. In case (b) however, the flux lines are out of the poles in A & C. The flux lines will be then have to complete the circuit by flowing into the pole structures on the sides. If, when seen from the rotor, the pole emanating flux lines is considered as north pole and the pole into which they enter is termed as south, then the pole configurations produced by these connections is a two-pole arrangement in fig. 31(a) and a four-pole arrangement in fig. 31(b). Thus by changing the terminal connections we get either a two pole air-gap field or a four-pole field. In an induction machine this would correspond to a synchronous speed reduction in half from case (a) to case (b).
Further note that irrespective of the connection, the applied voltage is balanced by the series addition of induced emfs in two coils. Therefore the air-gap flux in both cases is the same. Cases (a) and (b) therefore form a pair of constant torque connections.
Further note that irrespective of the connection, the applied voltage is balanced by the series addition of induced emfs in two coils. Therefore the air-gap flux in both cases is the same. Cases (a) and (b) therefore form a pair of constant torque connections.
4. Stator frequency control
The expression for the synchronous speed indicates that by changing the stator frequency also it can be changed. This can be achieved by using power electronic circuits called inverters which convert dc to ac of desired frequency. Depending on the type of control scheme of the inverter, the ac generated may be variable-frequency-fixed-amplitude or variable-frequency variable-amplitude type. Power electronic control achieves smooth variation of voltage and frequency of the ac output. This when fed to the machine is capable of running at a controlled speed. However, consider the equation for
the induced emf in the induction machine.
V = 4.44NØmf
where N is the number of the turns per phase, _m is the peak flux in the air gap and f is the frequency. Note that in order to reduce the speed, frequency has to be reduced. If the frequency is reduced while the voltage is kept constant, thereby requiring the amplitude of induced emf to remain the same, flux has to increase. This is not advisable since the machine likely to enter deep saturation. If this is to be avoided, then flux level must be maintained constant which implies that voltage must be reduced along with frequency. The ratio is held constant in order to maintain the flux level for maximum torque capability.
Actually, it is the voltage across the magnetizing branch of the exact equivalent circuit that must be maintained constant, for it is that which determines the induced emf. Under conditions where the stator voltage drop is negligible compared the applied voltage, the above equation is valid.
In this mode of operation, the voltage across the magnetizing inductance in the ’exact’ equivalent circuit reduces in amplitude with reduction in frequency and so does the inductive reactance. This implies that the current through the inductance and the flux in the machine remains constant. The speed torque characteristics at any frequency may be estimated as before. There is one curve for every excitation frequency considered corresponding to every value of synchronous speed. The curves are shown below. It may be seen that the maximum torque remains constant.
With this kind of control, it is possible to get a good starting torque and steady state performance. However, under dynamic conditions, this control is insufficient. Advanced control techniques such as field- oriented control (vector control) or direct torque control (DTC) are necessary.
The foregoing discussion shows that the induction machine, when operating from mains is essentially a constant speed machine. Many industrial drives, typically for fan or pump applications, have typically constant speed requirements and hence the induction machine is ideally suited for these. However, the induction machine, especially the squirrel cage type, is quite rugged and has a simple construction. Therefore it is good candidate for variable speed applications if it can be achieved.
1.Speed control by changing applied voltage
From the torque equation of the induction machine, we can see that the torque depends on the square of the applied voltage. The variation of speed torque curves with respect to the applied voltage is shown in figure below. These curves show that the slip at maximum torque remains same, while the value of stall torque comes down with decrease in applied voltage. The speed range for stable operation remains the same.
Further, we also note that the starting torque is also lower at lower voltages. Thus, even if a given voltage level is sufficient for achieving the running torque, the machine may not start. This method of trying to control the speed is best suited for loads that require very little starting torque, but their torque requirement may increase with speed.
The figure above also shows a load torque characteristic, one that is typical of a fan type of load. In a fan (blower) type of load, the variation of torque with speed is such that T α ω2. Here one can see that it may be possible to run the motor to lower speeds within the range ns to (1 − s)ns. Further, since the load torque at zero speed is zero, the machine can start even at reduced voltages. This will not be possible with constant torque type of loads. One may note that if the applied voltage is reduced, the voltage across the magnetizing branch also comes down. This in turn means that the magnetizing current and hence flux level are reduced. Reduction in the flux level in the machine impairs torque production, which is primarily the explanation for figure.
If, however, the machine is running under lightly loaded conditions, then operating under rated flux levels is not required. Under such conditions, reduction in magnetizing current improves the power factor of operation. Some amount of energy saving may also be achieved. Voltage control may be achieved by adding series resistors (a lossy, inefficient proposition), or a series inductor / autotransformer (a bulky solution) or a more modern solution using semiconductor devices. A typical solid state circuit used for this purpose is the AC voltage controller or AC chopper. Another use of voltage control is in the so-called ‘soft-start’ of the machine. This is discussed in the section on
starting methods.
2. Rotor resistance control
From the expression for the torque of the induction machine, torque is dependent on the rotor resistance. The maximum value is independent of the rotor resistance. The slip at maximum torque is dependent on the rotor resistance. Therefore, we may expect that if the rotor resistance is changed, the maximum torque point shifts to higher slip values, while retaining a constant torque. Figure below shows a family of torque-speed characteristic obtained by changing the rotor resistance.
Note that while the maximum torque and synchronous speed remain constant, the slip at which maximum torque occurs increases with increase in rotor resistance, and sodoes the starting torque. whether the load is of constant torque type or fan-type, it is evident that the speed control range is more with this method. Further, rotor resistance control could also be used as a means of generating high starting torque.
For all its advantages, the scheme has two serious drawbacks. Firstly, in order tovary the rotor resistance, it is necessary to connect external variable resistors (winding resistance itself cannot be changed). This, therefore necessitates a slip-ring machine, since only in that case rotor terminals are available outside. For cage rotor machines,
The resistors connected to the slip-ring brushes should have good power dissipation capability. Water based rheostats may be used for this. A ‘solid-state’ alternative to a rheostat is a chopper controlled resistance where the duty ratio control of of the chopper presents a variable resistance load to the rotor of the induction machine.
3. Pole changing schemes
Sometimes induction machines have a special stator winding capable of being externally connected to form two different number of pole numbers. Since the synchronous speed of the induction machine is given by ns = fs/p (in rev./s) where p is the number of pole pairs, this would correspond to changing the synchronous speed. With the slip now corresponding to the new synchronous speed, the operating speed is changed. This method of speed control is a stepped variation and generally restricted to two steps.
If the changes in stator winding connections are made so that the air gap flux remains constant, then at any winding connection, the same maximum torque is achievable. Such winding arrangements are therefore referred to as constant-torque connections. If however such connection changes result in air gap flux changes that are inversely proportional to the synchronous speeds, then such connections are called constant-horsepower type.
The following figure serves to illustrate the basic principle. Consider a magnetic pole structure consisting of four pole faces A, B, C, D as shown in figure below. Coils are wound on A & C in the directions shown. The two coils on A & C may be connected in series in two different ways — A2 may be connected to C1 or C2. A1 with the other terminal at C then form the terminals of the overall combination. Thus two connections result as shown in figure (a) & (b) below.
Now, for a given direction of current flow at terminal A1, say into terminal A1, the flux directions within the poles are shown in the figures. In case (a), the flux lines are out of the pole A (seen from the rotor) for and into pole C, thus establishing a two-pole structure. In case (b) however, the flux lines are out of the poles in A & C. The flux lines will be then have to complete the circuit by flowing into the pole structures on the sides. If, when seen from the rotor, the pole emanating flux lines is considered as north pole and the pole into which they enter is termed as south, then the pole configurations produced by these connections is a two-pole arrangement in fig. 31(a) and a four-pole arrangement in fig. 31(b). Thus by changing the terminal connections we get either a two pole air-gap field or a four-pole field. In an induction machine this would correspond to a synchronous speed reduction in half from case (a) to case (b).
Further note that irrespective of the connection, the applied voltage is balanced by the series addition of induced emfs in two coils. Therefore the air-gap flux in both cases is the same. Cases (a) and (b) therefore form a pair of constant torque connections.
Further note that irrespective of the connection, the applied voltage is balanced by the series addition of induced emfs in two coils. Therefore the air-gap flux in both cases is the same. Cases (a) and (b) therefore form a pair of constant torque connections.
4. Stator frequency control
The expression for the synchronous speed indicates that by changing the stator frequency also it can be changed. This can be achieved by using power electronic circuits called inverters which convert dc to ac of desired frequency. Depending on the type of control scheme of the inverter, the ac generated may be variable-frequency-fixed-amplitude or variable-frequency variable-amplitude type. Power electronic control achieves smooth variation of voltage and frequency of the ac output. This when fed to the machine is capable of running at a controlled speed. However, consider the equation for
the induced emf in the induction machine.
V = 4.44NØmf
where N is the number of the turns per phase, _m is the peak flux in the air gap and f is the frequency. Note that in order to reduce the speed, frequency has to be reduced. If the frequency is reduced while the voltage is kept constant, thereby requiring the amplitude of induced emf to remain the same, flux has to increase. This is not advisable since the machine likely to enter deep saturation. If this is to be avoided, then flux level must be maintained constant which implies that voltage must be reduced along with frequency. The ratio is held constant in order to maintain the flux level for maximum torque capability.
Actually, it is the voltage across the magnetizing branch of the exact equivalent circuit that must be maintained constant, for it is that which determines the induced emf. Under conditions where the stator voltage drop is negligible compared the applied voltage, the above equation is valid.
In this mode of operation, the voltage across the magnetizing inductance in the ’exact’ equivalent circuit reduces in amplitude with reduction in frequency and so does the inductive reactance. This implies that the current through the inductance and the flux in the machine remains constant. The speed torque characteristics at any frequency may be estimated as before. There is one curve for every excitation frequency considered corresponding to every value of synchronous speed. The curves are shown below. It may be seen that the maximum torque remains constant.
With this kind of control, it is possible to get a good starting torque and steady state performance. However, under dynamic conditions, this control is insufficient. Advanced control techniques such as field- oriented control (vector control) or direct torque control (DTC) are necessary.
Reviewed by Unknown
June 14, 2018

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